今回読んだScientific Americanの記事は、Andrew L. Hipp、Paul S. Manos、Jeannine Cavender-Baresによる「Ascent of the oaks」です。

These examples suggest that adaptive gene flow may play an important role in oak evolution.
If we understand these processes well enough, we stand a chance of using that knowledge to predict what our forests will look like a century or more from now.
nurture 育む to feed and look after a child, plant etc while it is growing: children nurtured by loving parents
immortalize 不滅にする to make someone or something famous for a long time by writing about them, painting them etc
infer 推論する to decide that something is probably true because of other information that you already have: infer sth from sth: I inferred from his letter that he was still angry with me.
discern 識別する to see, notice, or understand something: I could just discern the outline of the bridge in the fog.
unambiguous 曖昧でない、明白な expressed in a way that makes it completely clear what is meant
restricted 限られた limited or controlled
extirpate 根絶する to remove or destroy something completely
intriguing 興味をそそる something that is intriguing is interesting because it is unusual or mysterious
elucidate 解明する to explain something by providing more information
